Zoo CAT with PIOU coins

zoo cat with piou coins

This year, there is no doubt, cats are going to make the world happier. Crazy about kitties ?

PiouCoins versus CryptoKitties

Yes we love cats but I mean REAL cats. We don’t want them to be virtual. So here’s the deal : we introduce you with our cat stars all around the world and you will be able to interact with them in so many ways you will be part of the family 🙂

All you have to do is share Piou Coins !

Zoo cat stars

**Diabolo** the survivor cat

Location : Paris suburbs, France





**Flatiron** the dandy cat

Location : Paris town, France



Christmas was so fun… #catsofinstagram #cat #flatiron #flatironthecat #christmas

Une publication partagée par Flatironthecat (@flatiron_the_cat) le


Want to know how to share Piou coins for our cats ?!

Here it is :

  1. Create your account on Waves or Install Waves Chrome addon
  2. Put money on your digital wallet to have Waves token
  3. Transfer Waves to our cats account address or QR code here bellow

Easy folks. You will then receive your incentive and Piou coins reward for your donation 😉

Let us know how it goes directly on cats Facebook or Instagram 🙂


Cats address : ‘3PHnf6asbeEQviFrKmQgftJNfSCxgP3hgG2

Cats QR code :


Waves DEX (decentralized EXchange) wallet is also available on Apple store for iOS and on Play store for Android for free !

You can follow Waves currency on coinmarketcap.com/ or wavesgo.com/

Free cryptokitties.co/